August 31, 2002

Your Feedback!

I don't know about anyone else but I had a great time at The Fellowship. I hope that it was fun for everyone. I want to especially thank all of you who took the time to invite someone, we had 46 youth and 7 Adults. I hope that all of you who came for the first time had a warm welcome, and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Now this is your turn to respond. I would like to know your thoughts and feelings on The Fellowship. What do you like? What do you dislike? What would you like to see happen? And so on. To leave a comment simply click the word comment below.

The YM

Posted by The YM at 01:09 AM

August 22, 2002

The Fellowship

On Friday August 30th we will be hosting:


It will be in the fellowship hall as always. Make sure you bring as many people as you can. The person who invites the most friends will win a prize, (must bring at least five to count).

Featured film of the night: The Lord Of The Rings

Also like normal there will be many different games, game cube, playstation, ping pong, cards, board games, and more. There will also be lots and lots of pizza so make sure you bring plenty of people to eat it all :)

This Fellowship is to mark the beginning of the school year and it is a celebration of those coming up into the youth group from the sixth grade. I hope that you will plan to be a part.

The YM

Posted by The YM at 07:13 PM