September 03, 2002

See You at the


title.jpg See You at the Pole is 13 years old this year! In 2001 over three million students participated in praying for their schools, themselves, and a nation in crisis. This event has been an integral part of our community for many years now. And with that comes a potential danger-that See You at the Pole becomes for some students "just another program or routine."

"Oh that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would quake in your presence! ...your coming would make the nations tremble." Isaiah 64:1,2

Can you imagine this kind of visit from God at our schools?

- Christian students would believe and act much different from the world!

- Hate would be replaced by genuine love.

-Evil would be overpowered by good.

- Immorality would be dwarfed by godliness.

- Lost students would be curious to hear and respond to the gospel.

-Teachers and parents would wonder, "What on earth is going on?"

- The difference would be so radical that it could only be explained by the power of God!

Are you willing to be abandoned by the world? Are you sick of settling for what is mediocre? Are you willing to shout from the mountaintops, "enough is enough! I am taking a stand for what is right - no mattter what!?" Sell out to God, and you will be utterly amazed at what He will do!

We will see you at the pole on September 18, 2002


Posted by The YM at 04:46 PM