January 31, 2003

Mission Trip Update

The deposit for the Charleston, SC trip needs to be turned in as soon as possible. Let me point out the URGENCY of getting your money in or making arrangments with me in order to secure your spot. The week that we are going to Charleston is SOLD OUT. I have reserved only 30 spots for our group and once those spots are filled then there is nothing more I can do because the camp itself is full. I am reserving spots on a first come first serve basis. Please do not delay in making arrangments with me and getting your deposit in as soon as you can. DO NOT ASSUME that if you have signed your name on a sheet then you can go because that is simply not the case. I MUST have your deposit in or some other personal arrangment in order to reserve your spot. If you have questions or need to make special arrangments or payment plans with me please call my office at (573) 468-8044 ext 2.

Don't forget that if money is the only thing keeping you from going then you need to come see me and we will do what is necessary to make sure you can go. We want everyone to have an opportunity, but I garuntee the spots are going fast so don't delay on getting your deposits in.

The YM

Posted by The YM at 03:18 PM

January 30, 2003

SuperBowl Pics

Thanks to Mr. Morgan, pictures of the SuperBowl party are now posted. Take a look and leave some comments.

Posted by Christopher at 06:38 PM

January 08, 2003

Summer Mission Trip "2003"

This announcment is to inform you that we are already diligently preparing for this summer’s mission trip. There are several changes that are taking place this year that I want you to be informed of so that you have every opportunity to go with us this summer. One of the problems that we have every year is scheduling around family vacations, baseball schedules, and so on. I know that most families plan their summer vacations in advance and many youth cannot go on the mission trip because the dates often conflict. For this reason we have set the dates for the mission trip six months in advance so that you can plan your summer. We will be going to Charleston, SC leaving Sullivan the morning of June 27 and we will be returning home on July 5.

The other problem that we have had in the past is unpaid deposits. M-Fuge has changed their policy this year so that any reservation we make will require a $50 non-refundable deposit because they were losing a lot of money. Due to several last minute drop outs and unpaid deposits last year we also lost mission trip money. Therefore, because of these circumstances no names will be added to the reservation list this year until the $50 non-refundable deposit is paid. (If you cannot pay the $50 at this time, or you would like to make payments, or you need other financial arrangements please contact Mary Ann or Craig in the Church office (573) 468-8044. We will do whatever it takes for you to go on this trip.)

Picture1.jpg Important Mission Trip Information:

Who can go?
This trip is specifically for high school students grades 7 to 12. Anyone who goes must be a part of Temple Baptist Church Youth or they must be associated with one of the youth here. So it is ok to invite a friend as long as they are in 7 to 12 grade. This trip is also for college students who remain active in working with our youth group.

Dates and Times:
Because Charleston is so far away we had to add two extra days to the mission trip this year for travel. We will have to stay overnight in a Church or at a Hotel on the way down and back. Exact times are still pending until I get more information from M-Fuge, but expect to leave in the morning on Friday, June 27th and return home in the evening on Saturday, July 5th.

Financial Information:
The cost of the total trip this year is $300 per person. That includes daily meals, housing accommodations, camp costs, and 2 T-shirts for the 9 days of this trip. Also included in this price is the one day of recreation where we will go to a theme or water park or something like that. You will need money for souvenirs, snacks, or anything that you wish to purchase for yourself while you are in Charleston. Remember that you will get the opportunity to raise money for your own cost of the trip in donations for the car wash. Almost every person should be able to raise half if not all of their mission trip cost by getting these donations.

I also want to let you know that money should never be a reason why you cannot go. If you have money problems and you are unable to come up with money for this trip, please contact Maryann or Craig in the church office and we will make arrangements for you to go if necessary. We want each person to have the same opportunity to go on a mission trip regardless of financial situations so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help, or if you have any questions.

You can also set up a payment plan if you need to. With six months before the trip you can pay $50 a month or $12.5 a week and have the whole $300 paid off by July. But remember if you raise money for the car wash then you use that money towards the cost of your trip. If you pay the full $300 for your trip and then you raise money from the car wash the extra money will go into the Mission Trip Budget to help offset the cost of the trip that the Church takes care of.

Due Dates:
The church is required to pay M-Fuge the money for all deposits by February 1st. If you can pay your full deposit or at least a down payment on your deposit by this time that would help us to a great extent. If you have any questions about this please contact me in the office, (573) 468-8044 ext. 2. Keep in mind that there is a limited amount of space at these camps and Charleston will fill up very quickly. I only have so many spots reserved and I imagine that by the middle or end of February there will not be any more spots open at M-Fuge for me to get so I encourage you to make plans to go now while space is still available. I will continue to accept deposits and names of people to go as long as there is still a spot open, but once M-Fuge gets full there is nothing I can do. If you know that you are going for sure then make sure that you get your deposit in or make arrangements with me so that I can officially reserve your spot.

Other Information:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this trip please feel free to contact me. This will be the third year that we have gone to an M-Fuge mission camp and I am certain that it will be great. All of the mission work, praise and worship, and bible studies for these camps are organized through lifeway. If you would like more information feel free to visit the website, www.fuge.com.

Keep in mind that I will continue to send out more information as we get closer to the trip. We will have a parent/youth/college meeting at some point so that we can be ready and organized by the time we leave for South Carolina. I am really excited about the trip this year and I pray that you will be able to be a part of it. I know that God has great things in store!

The YM

Posted by The YM at 08:08 AM

January 06, 2003

New Picture Gallery

We have an new interactive picture gallery for all of our cool pictures. In the photo gallery you can have it display the pictures as a slide show, print pictures on Shutterfly, and even make comments on pictures. Take a look!

Posted by Christopher at 08:16 PM