June 19, 2002

Nashville Information

Here is some new information for those of you going on the Nashville Mission Trip. I have had some shirts made for us that I will be giving out to you as soon as we get them. We can wear these T-Shirts on our way down to Nashville.

I have checked the rules out for the mission sites at M-Fuge. You are allowed to wear shorts on all mission sites except for PCY (painting, yardwork, and construction). So if your planning on doing PCY you will need to bring some old pants.

There will also be a time that we will collect a mission offering at M-Fuge. Be sure and bring some money to donate for the work of missions!

I am looking forward to this trip and praying that God will do something awesome through us. Continue to pray for the group as a whole and for those whom we will come in contact with when we are in Nashville.

The YM

Posted by The YM at 02:20 PM

June 16, 2002

Prayer for Mission Trip

If you are not allready, I want to ask you to start praying for the mission trip. Pray for what God wants to teach you that week. I am praying for each of you. Also pray that God will show you some of the things that we need to change in our lives.

Posted by at 10:13 PM

June 13, 2002


This past week as some of the church messengers to the convention were riding the MetroLink back to the convention center, Michael noticed that a person that was in our car was wearing an M-Fuge T-Shirt. He asked which M-Fuge they had been to. As it turned out, they were in the middle of their week of M-Fuge in St. Louis. We had a chance to talk with them on the ride and they reported that they were have a great time. That short experience increased my enthusiasm for our own trip.

I encourage you to begin now to prepare yourself for the trip to Nashville. Begin praying that God would prepare your heart for the people that you will be serving and for the people that you will be working with. What an exciting opportunity we have!


Posted by Christopher at 08:26 PM

June 12, 2002

Announcment: Cardinals Baseball Game

This Friday, June 14th is the Cardinals Baseball game. You need to meet at the Church at 4:00. If you would like to go please sign up on the sheet upstairs in the youth room or drop me an e-mail or click comment below to let me know if you are going so that I know exactly how many tickets we need. The game starts at 7:00 therefore plan on being home late! You will need money for food but that is it, the tickets to the game are free. I hope to see ya'll Friday!
The YM

Posted by The YM at 09:14 AM

June 09, 2002

Be Aware!

I thank God for this youth group. He has done many good things for us and through us. He is going to do more awesome things in the future if we allow Him to do so.

But be aware! Satan doesn't want us to allow God to work in our lives. He will use every tactic he can to get us to take our focus off of God. The Bible is clear that Satan has a powerful kingdom that Christians must reckon with at every turn. And we are living in the midst of it, in enemy territory!

What brings victory? The solution is simple but requires work. Recognize that everything in life works against maintaining focus on God. Staying focused requires effort and concentration. It requires lifestyle changes. Here are some ways to focus on God:
Saturate your mind with Scripture
Develop a daily time with God
Create an environment of godliness
Ask the right questions to yourself about your own actions

> Will it bring glory to God?
> Will it advance God's kingdom?
> Will it help or hinder my becoming like Christ?
> Does it edify everybody involved?

When ever we adjust our lives to obey God, He has tremendous blessings in store.

Posted by Big E at 08:07 AM

June 08, 2002

Mission Trip

I am so excited about our upcoming mission trip. I have been praying for it. I am looking foward to watching God do some great things in each of our lives. Stay strong keep in the Word (the Bible) and keep praying. Some of my best times of my life have been on mission trips.

Posted by at 04:27 PM

June 07, 2002

New to the Site? Click Here!!!

Welcome to the new Temple Baptist Church Youth Web Site. As you can see things have changed once again, I am sure your are not suprized, but I think this will be the new look for awhile now.

What you are looking at right now on the opening page is a thing called a blog. Now some of you may know what a blog is and others may not have the first clue so let me explain it to you. A blog is simply an interactive web log or journal. It is something that I can make daily entries on so that everytime you come back and visit the site there will be something new posted. I can keep you up to date on youth events, scheduling and other things that are going on in the youth group.

The other great thing about a blog is that you can make comments or ask questions. You will notice at the bottom of each blog entry there will be a link that says 'comment'. If you click this link you will be able to make comments or ask questions to me or to other people who have commented. This is a way that we can all interact together, sharing ideas, concerns, and questions. If you ask questions or make comments be sure to come back to the website often and check for comments from other people who have answered your questions or have made a comment concerning the entry that you have made.

So who will be making the blog entries? There will be several people that have the ability to enter new blog entries, including myself, Evette, Fred, Michael, Chris, and other adult youth leaders and helpers. Each of us can make an entry into the blog, just like the one I am making right now. We will be sharing ideas, comments, and other things about youth events, things that we have done and so on. This is something that will be updated and changing often with new entries so you will need to come back and check the page often in order to stay in the loop!

Keep in mind that everything you enter will be seen by anyone who surfs onto this page. I will closely monitor all comments and questions. Anything that is inappropriate will be deleted immediatly. Any fowl language, unwholesome talk, or negative comments ment to hurt other people are not allowed on this blog. This is a chance for us to interact with one another in a Godly manner, learning and growing in our faith if you use this tool responsibly. If this is something that is constantly abused then I will be forced to take away the option of others leaving comments.

I am very excited about the new look of this page, and the new blog and I hope that is something that allows us to interact and grow in our faith in Christ. Please take the time to make a comment below or sign our guestbook.

The YM

Posted by The YM at 01:19 PM