January 27, 2004

Super Bowl Party


The Super Bowl Party will begin Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m. The football game does not start until 6:25 so you will have plenty of time to play games and hang out before the game. There will be food, games, football, and more... Be sure to invite your friends!!!


Even if you don't like football there will plenty of other things you can do, so come hang out with us this Sunday at 5!

Posted by The YM at 06:24 PM

January 25, 2004

Lock-In photos

There are now photos of the New Years lock-in posted. Go take a look.

Posted by Michael at 08:06 AM

January 15, 2004

Bored? Check out these sites!

Here are some cool websites designed specifically for Christian teenagers:

Christianity Today has a website for teens with advice, true stories, music, college guides, and some other fun stuff.

Christian Students is another cool website that you should check out. This site covers many of the hot topics such as entertainment, sex/dating, school, life issues, and more...

christianteens.net - This site contains chat rooms, music, teen message boards, connection with other youth groups, christian e-greetings, and a bunch of other stuff...

If you find some other cool sites for Christian teenagers feel free to post the links in the comment section.

Posted by The YM at 11:15 PM

January 14, 2004

St. Louis Mills: Ice Skating

We will be leaving at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday to go to St. Louis Mills. You'll need money for ice skating ($8) and money for food. Of course if you plan to do some shopping you will need to bring more. The St. Louis Blues will be practicing at 10:30 a.m. if you want to watch! Come and hang out at the mill's!

Hope you can join us!!!

Posted by The YM at 10:01 PM

January 13, 2004

Jesus' Method To A Relationship With The Father

Luke 5:15-16 "Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."

Once people learned about Jesus and the power that he possessed to heal the sick they began to follow him. Huge crowds gathered around him, seeking to hear a word from him and to be healed by him. Even with the massive amount of people who demanded the time and attention of Jesus, he knew that the Father had to be a number one priority. Jesus would often slip away to a quiet place, away from the noise of the world, the cries of the sick, and the plea's of the needy in order to take time in prayer to the Father. Jesus had to put everything else on hold in order to find a quiet place to talk personally and intimately with God because he knew that it was an essential part of his life.

It is obvious that we lead busy lives. It is difficult for us to find time to scamper away to a quiet place in order to have a one on one time with God. Many times it is not easy to find a nice quiet place, nor is it easy to cram one more thing into our already packed schedule. Out of all the things in life that get put on the backburner, more often than not it is our own relationship with the father. Sadly, we have the tendency to do this so much that it becomes routine to not have time to spend in prayer with God each day.

I admit it isn't easy. Jesus himself had to work at finding a quiet place to go, even if it meant getting up early, or getting on a boat to get away from the crowds that constantly followed him. If it was important for Jesus to have this time alone with God then shouldn't it be even more important for us? It is in fact essential to living a successful Christian life!

I would encourage you to find time during your day to spend alone with God. Retreat to a quiet place, whether it is your room, outside, your car, wherever you can get away to be alone with God spend time talking and sharing with him. Let God know how you feel and what you think. Share with him what you want and the things that you like to do. Pray for your friends and family. Take time to listen to what he has to say to you. It is important that we find time each day to be with the creator of the universe... this is one habit worth forming!

The YM

P.S. If you can slip away in the mornings there is a prayer meeting every morning, Monday through Thursday at 7:00 in the church auditorium. This is a great time to come and pray with other believers. I lead the meeting on Wendesday mornings. You are welcome to join us!

Posted by The YM at 10:28 PM

A New Look

After many hours of hard work here it is, the new and improved website! Not everything is fixed yet, there are still some bugs to be worked out, but for the most part this is the new look. Let me know what you think in the comments below or go sign our guestbook.


Reminder: Don't forget about the 30 Hour Famine. Carry your Famine Student Guides with you and continue to work on getting sponsors. Remember, $30 will feed a child for an entire month! Also, if anyone writes you a check, have them make it out to World Vision. If you have any other questions let me know.

The Y.M.

Posted by The YM at 02:27 AM

January 10, 2004

The 30 Hour Famine

We will be participating in World Vision's 30 Hour Famine this year. We have never done anything like this before, so it will be a new experience for all of us. Each of the students involved in this event will be gathering donations to help feed some of the starving children in our world. $1 will feed a child for a day, $30 will feed a child for a month, and $360 will feed a child for a year! Then on February 27th - 28th we will have a 30 hour fast! There will be bible studies, games, community service, projects, and no food...only juice.

I think this has the potential to be a life changing event for our group and I hope that each of us will put our hearts into it, knowing that we are helping to save the lives of children who are starving. Every time you take a breath, another child dies of hunger! We get to be a part of the solution to this problem... If you do not have your Student Guide to the 30 Hour Famine yet then come see me as soon as possible so that you can get started!

Craig Tanner
Student Minister
Phone: (573) 468-8044 EXT. 2
E-Mail: craig [aht] tbcsullivan [doht] com
MSN IM: themenofgod [aht] hotmail [doht] com

Office Hours:
M-W; F - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Posted by The YM at 12:23 PM

January 05, 2004

Youth Schedule

Be sure to come to our regular events:

9:30 Sunday School
6:00 Sunday Evening Services.

6:30 RPM

Posted by Christopher at 08:28 PM