October 05, 2004

Exploring the Bible Daily - Week 4

Sunday October 3, 2004
Saturday October 9, 2004

Memory Verse:

"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."- Genesis 4:7

Daily Devotions: - Read these Scripture passages each day this week. Respond to each passage by keeping a journal, jotting down questions and insights you may have.

Day 1
Genesis 4:1-8

Day 2
Genesis 4:9-16

Day 3
Genesis 4:17-26

Day 4
Genesis 5:1-8

Day 5
Genesis 5:9-17

Day 6
Genesis 5:18-24

Day 7
Genesis 5:25-32

Posted by The YM at October 5, 2004 12:32 PM