September 17, 2004

SYATP - The Photographs

Flagsmall.JPGOn Wednesday September 15, 2004 we participated in See You At The Pole at Sullivan High School, Sullivan Middle School, and Sullivan Elementary School. There were 32 teens who showed up at the high school, 12 at the Junior High, and 27 kids showed up at the Elementary school flagpole as well.
I think we have decided that next year we will start a little later in the morning, 7:00 a.m. was too early. Many of the students simply can't make it, and can't get a ride to school and the buses actually don't start showing up until 7:30. Smallweb.JPG


09-15-04_0711.jpg Jr. High had almost 5 times the attendance this year as compared to the very few that made it to the flagpole last year.
A student in the elementary school also led SYATP, having 27 elementary school students show up at their flagpole.

All in all, SYATP went very well this year.

Posted by The YM at September 17, 2004 01:34 PM