July 02, 2003

Evette's M-Fuge Entry

God has been moving! Erin Eaton and I are in the same ministry track, Creative, and we led an older gentleman to Christ on our first day in the field. I say 'we' due to the fact that I planted the seed and Erin gathered the harvest. It was awesome! You see, it was Erin's 20th birthday and that was one of her prayers, that she get to talk to someone about Jesus. Not only did she get to talk to someone, she had the honor of leading that someone to Christ! It doesn't get much better than that.

Every person I've talked to since the 'tag-team salvation experience' is already born-again Christians, and there have been many. It blesses my heart to talk to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ from other areas of the country. We have a common bond that nothing can break . . . JESUS CHRIST!

The week is flying by and we only have one more day left in our ministry tracks. Based on the way God has been working, it should be just as awesome as the last 3 days have been, if not more.

Posted by Evette at July 2, 2003 03:09 PM